Chris the sheep, known for world-record amount of wool, dies in Australia- Parker Williamson

Image result for chris the sheepOctober 22, 2019 is a very sad day for the world.
Chris the sheep, who was first found by bush walkers in the wilderness has died. Chis had been struggling to live with all that wool blocking his legs from moving very well. He kinda stood there resembling a cloud. A very funny image. But he was struggling so he was sheared right after he was found. The shearing took up to 45 minutes resulting in about 90 POUNDS OF WOOL. A world record. His wool was donated to the Museum of Australia. Now the world record braking sheep has passed on. However, the sheep growing so much wool may not have been too crazy. Domestic sheep keep on growing their wool because it constantly gets sheared. They don't shed it like wild sheep do, it needs to be sheared off. Chris must have been a domestic sheep that got out of his flock and was just wandering around for 5 years becoming more and more like a walking cloud. Or he was a wild sheep that just has the same sorta gene that the domestic ones have. And now the cloud is gone. Rip Chris.  Video showing the crazy amount of wool


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