The Prevalence of Inequality Today by Liz Russo

Just for a moment, I would like you to think about a few things you witness or see on a daily basis that
seem like a problem. Maybe this problem is few students arguing in the hallway, or perhaps it is one of your
classmates constantly disrespecting a teacher. Of course, there are occasionally larger issues we
experience, but for most of us it is not everyday that we are coming face to face with any major life

This is, in part, due to the lack of inequality we are exposed to day after day.

Unfortunately, even though we don’t tend to see it ourselves on a regular basis, inequality does affect so
many others, regarding gender, race, economic situations, and so much more. Living in the area we do,
some of this equality issues don’t implicate or appear in our everyday lives, and many of us unaffected
don’t realize how relevant they are in other places all over the world. 

The way I’ve been taught it, inequality seems like an issue that has mostly gone down in history, vanished
with movements from influential leaders, like Martin Luther King Jr., and reforms from the government and
society. It is obvious to me now, after doing research, that it is still a major existing issue.

Here are some of the most abundant inequality issues in the world today:

  1. Gender Inequality
Although it may seem as if women have just as many rights as men where we live, this is not the
situation around the world. In fact, it is estimated that it will still take about 108 years to close the
gender gap around the world. While researching gender inequality, I came across a few facts that
took me by surprise. First, every 4 out of 5 victims of human trafficking are girls. Also, it is
estimated that around 15 million young women under 18 years old are married off without a say in t
he decision to be married. Regarding the work force around the globe, while 70 percent of
working-age men are employed, 57 percent of working-age women are employed. To top that,
these women working full-time jobs only earn 77 percent of what their male counterparts earn (to
put it simply, women earn 33 percent less than men). In some cases, cultural influence is the
reason for male supremacy, in others it could be due to economic reasons. No matter what, there
is no justifiable reason or cause for gender inequality to persist in the world today.

  1. Racial Inequality
Looking back in history, racial equality has clearly progressed a lot. Nevertheless, the idea of racial
supremacy is still passed down from generation to generation in some families and communities,
which keeps racial inequality alive. That being said, in a way, it is up to parents and future
generations to teach those coming after them different from what past generations feel is right. One
of the most shocking statistics I read while researching this specific issue was that, while only 13
percent of the African- american population makes up the United States, 40 percent of the homeless
population in the United States is African American. Although this cannot be fully blamed on
discrimination, these numbers do show that there is still a linger in creating equal housing opportunity
for many African Americans who have been stuck in the same poverty driven economic situation
as the generations in their family that came before them.

  1. Economic Inequality
Economic Inequality is, unfortunately, a significant problem that affects many both inside and
outside of the U.S. The difference in salary between the top 1 percent wealthiest of the country
versus the rest of the country is over 5 million dollars. Where the top 1 percent of wealthiest
Americans earn around $6.5 billion, the bottom 90 percent earn around $34,074. This huge
economic gap can be blamed on so many factors. What is important, though, is that there are so
many with so much less than the minority of the U.S. population, which makes it so obvious that
the economy is completely unequal and quite unfair, and it causes serious issues like
unemployment, homelessness and poverty.

 It really is difficult to comprehend what drives inequality to still be prevalent and existent in the world today.
Nonetheless, I have come to realize that inequality is a result of power corruption, in situations regarding
gender, race, ethnicity, economics and more. 

Comparing my life to the lives of those who have to endure inequality, I feel the need to become more
involved in global issues, especially as I get older and have the opportunity to increase my voice in more
important topics. It’s important that, even though we are not constantly exposed to these serious issues,
we keep ourselves knowledgeable and informed of problems happening on a larger scale that are affecting
so many others.

Image result for economic inequality in americaThis graph shows the rising costs of the U.S. income inequality



  1. This is great, thank you for the insight

  2. This was very interesting. This opened my eyes to the to vast ways of inequalities.

  3. This is eye opening, very fascinating.

  4. These statistics are eye opening - 108 years to close the gender inequality gap!


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