Why is Bill Hader Weirdly Attractive

October 29

Okay, so hear me out. You may be thinking "this is definitely not a current event", but trust me, I got permission for this (thanks Mrs. Kopp). But yes, this is more of a "hot topic" than a current event. Also, everyone else is doing a serious, and occasionally depressing current event topic, so I thought "Hey, why not lighten the mood?"

Anyways, I've been coming across tons of videos in my recommended feed on YouTube involving Bill Hader. And I know that I'm not alone. I've seen a bunch of comments on skits he's done saying things like "I've been getting a lot of Bill Hader in my recommended, and I'm not even mad about it." (As in they find him to be hot. This is obvious. Why am I adding this as an extra note? Hello?)

Now, if you've been living under a rock for years, you're probably wondering who Bill Hader even is. Well, first off, you've probably seen at least something he's done, whether it be a comedy sketch on YouTube, or a movie, or a TV show. Bill Hader is a comedian and actor, who's been acting since the mid 2000s. Some of his most known work is his character acting in skits from Saturday Night Live. He stars in the HBO series Barry, and plays (adult) Richie Tozier in It: Chapter 2.

It's easy to see that Bill Hader is kind of an eccentric-looking guy, and definitely not conventionally attractive, if attractive at all. So, I did some investigating of my own and put a quite informal survey up on my Instagram story. There were four polls in total, with pictures of different, and unconventionally attractive actors who are commonly called attractive. If you think of a conventionally attractive person, people like Chris Hemsworth, or Scarlett Johansson may come to mind. Someone more unconventionally attractive might be people like Matt Smith (Doctor Who), Shelley Duvall (The Shining) or Benedict Cumberbatch (Sherlock Holmes). These were three of the four people in the polls on my story, and the fourth was obviously Bill Hader. Though they didn't all have the standing ovation from the pollers, as attraction is subjective, they all had pretty high percentages. On average, about 30 people voted on each poll. Bill Hader had the most votes with 61% agreeing with the statement that he is, indeed, attractive. That was followed by Matt Smith with exactly 50% in favor of him, then 38% for Shelley, and finally 33% for Cumberbatch. Cumberbatch's results were surprising, as he was definitely sided with within the first 2 hours. He had the vote at 11 to 2, until more people started voting, and his score dropped dramatically. Side note, for the record, I think Shelley Duvall deserved more votes. She's so dang cute- but in an odd way.

In any case, why do these statistics matter?

Looking at the data, we can see that maybe they're not all the popular choice. However, a large chunk from each poll did say that these actors were attractive. But why? All of these actors are pretty exotic looking, and definitely not the stereotypical standards of beauty. To be honest, I'm going to take a guess that it's more about their personalities on screen more than their looks. Especially Bill Hader.

I ended up searching up for myself, "Why is Bill Hader Weirdly Attractive", and to my pleasant surprise there were dozens upon dozens of articles covering the topic. Websites like "The Cut", "Buzzfeed", and "Reddit" all have articles and threads talking about him. It's clear to see that I'm not alone here thinking this. Obviously, I wouldn't be writing about this if I didn't find this quirky comedian pretty attractive, so I'm here to say that I definitely fell down the rabbit hole of watching his old SNL skits and recent interviews he's done for movies and shows. Let me express to you with all my might that this man's laugh is the thing that makes the world go 'round. I honestly believe that it could potentially create world peace; more people just have to hear it first.
(subtly inserts video of Bill Hader laughing compilation)
Click here to watch a very contagious laugh

To make a long story short, or to make a blog post short I should say, It's probably the way he acts, the hilarious way he portrays a character, and his adorably contagious laugh he has that make Bill Hader super attractive. Again, attraction is subjective, so if you don't think he's all that, take this post with a grain of salt.

Alright, see you guys next month! :)

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  1. I liked the poll, good touch! Also, funny is attractive! Never underestimate the power of humor, right? Plus, I really liked his performance in Trainwreck.

  2. I've been in love with him ever since I saw Superbad the first time

  3. This post is cracking me up! I agree with Matt that funny is attractive and a good personality can magically make someone unconventional look like a supermodel! Thanks for a post that made us smile - but put your name on it!


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