Black Lives Matter by Talia Criso

We are currently living through history.

When I look back at my lifetime, there are only a few instances in the world that stand out. Like the Sandy Hook shooting, our first African American president, hurricane sandy, Donald Trump's impeachment, etc. However, I feel like 2020 has probably been the craziest year I have ever lived through. Starting with the Corona Virus, a global pandemic. This was crazy, for the longest time it honestly just didn't feel real. I'm still in quarantine, its been 84 days I think. I feel like I know what home schooling is like now, and I'm starting to get tired of it. I miss my friends, and I feel like it was just fun to be around everyone every week.

But I think the biggest thing that is happening, and that I have ever lived through, is the Black Lives Matter protests going on right now. Every day, there are massive protests in every state, and in other countries as well. Racism is rooted in so many systems of America, like the police, education, prison and job opportunities. But for so long it has been something that has just been acknowledged, and I feel that right now is the time that change will come.

It's been really hard to live through these times, with so much death and tragedy. I've been paying as much attention as I can, educating myself, signing petitions, and donating to organizations. I really wish I could go to the protests, but all of my family members have a blood clotting disorder that makes getting COVID-19 too much of a risk. It's so sad seeing how many peaceful protesters are being tear gassed, beaten and shot with rubber bullets. I feel scared for our country, but I know that people won't stop fighting until black lives matter.

It cheers me up when I see the protests of people dancing and singing. Everyone is so unified and peaceful. I feel hopeful that change will come, justice will be served, and life will be better.

I've seen a lot of racist and negative posts on social media, including people from my school. It's hard to see people my age spread such hate, because I feel like it's so important for my generation to stay educated and aware. We are the ones who will be in charge some day, and I hope by then everyone can love each other and embrace our differences.

South Asians in the US must support #BlackLivesMatter, but first ...


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