old school days- Brianna Patrickio

Old school days

I feel like most of my generation is just kinda do with the flow type of people. Doing illegal things and not caring who it hurts and who they are taking down with them. And they get a bad wrap but what you have to understand is that our parents did the same things and some even worse than us. The difference is they didn't grow up with cameras in schools, stores, houses so they rarely got caught. Our generation is watched 24/7 with no freedom. They claim we need it because we are so bad that only bc we are yelled at for every little thing. There was a time when students left class to go hang out with friends for 15 minutes and come back when there was nothing going on in class. Now you get a detention for being gone for 10, everything is wrong and you are punished for the little things. There are bigger problems doing on in school then someone leaving class.


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